Questions & Answers

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I’m starting at a new school soon, and I don’t really know how to get there.

If you are going to an induction session at the school, watch out for an info stand or any maps and leaflets they may give out. Use the travel links on this site, check out the school website, or ask at the school office. If they don’t seem to have anything available, ask if they have Travel Ambassadors or a School Travel Plan, and tell them about this website.

Where can I find out about bus times in Swindon?

If you know which bus company runs the buses in your area, you can go straight to their websites – or . If you are not sure which one you need, or you are travelling outside Swindon, take a look at This gives you info about coaches, trains and even flights in the UK too!

I want to walk to school, but I live too far away so Mum takes me in the car. What can I do?

Is it really too far? You can walk around a mile in 20 minutes without rushing. Often the walking routes are much shorter than going by road. Have a look at our journey time app on the walk page to find out how long your journey might actually take on foot.

Have you thought about cycling or taking the bus instead? That way you can travel independently and still get some fresh air & exercise. Or get your mum to drop you off at a friend’s house nearer school so you can walk in together.

I’m worried that my bike might get stolen if I take it to school. Is there anything I can do to stop this happening?

First of all always lock your bike to something secure every time you leave it. Buy a good quality lock, such as a D-lock or heavy-duty cable type – cheap ones are easily cut by determined thieves! If your school doesn’t have enough secure storage for bikes, ask them to contact us to find out about funding.

Get your bike security marked, so that if it is stolen and found again it can easily be returned to you.  Your Travel Ambassadors could organise a marking session at school – contact us for details. Otherwise watch out for marking sessions at special events, or ask at your local bike shop.

Lastly, if you have any removable bits on your bike, such as lights, bottles or cycle computers, take them off when you leave the bike, otherwise someone else might! Quick-release wheels should be locked with with the frame wherever possible – you don’t want to have to ride a unicycle home!

I really don’t want to wear a helmet. Is it really that important?

Cycle helmets won’t stop you having an accident, but they can seriously reduce the damage to your brain if you collide with another vehicle. To be honest, most cycling accidents happen when you are doing stunts or you simply fall off your bike and hit your head on the ground or something else hard. Even these really basic tumbles and scrapes can lead to significant brain injuries if you’re not wearing a helmet.

Your brain is 1.4kg of the most amazing material on this planet. It allows you to think, walk, talk, balance, make friends, have emotions and know what it means to be alive. Why wouldn’t you want to protect it?

If you need any more persuading, listen to Olympic sportsman James Cracknell on YouTube.

My brother has just passed his driving test and has offered me lifts when I want to go out. Frankly I’m a bit scared! What should I say to him?

If you are able to walk, cycle or take the bus, then why not explain to him your reasons for doing so! Have a look at the advice on this site for ideas.

If you need to go by car, make sure he is OK to drive – he’s not too tired, hasn’t been drinking or taking medication, and you haven’t just had a huge row! Don’t distract him while he’s driving, by playing loud music or encouraging him to use a mobile phone. Young and inexperienced drivers, in particular really need to focus on their driving and what is happening on the road around them. Don’t be afraid to say ‘no’ if you are worried about your safety – there are lots of other ways to get around.

Get your brother to consider some extra training with the PassPlus scheme for new drivers – there are even discounts available for drivers in Swindon!