Travel Ambassador's Blog


National STARS School of the Year awards

Haydonleigh Primary at National School Travel Awards

We travelled to London on 3rd March with Travel Ambassadors from Haydonleigh Primary for the National School Travel Awards at Portcullis House, Westminster.

Haydonleigh were South West Region candidates in the final for National School of the Year and their pupil Travel Ambassadors gave a very polished presentation about all the travel and road safety initiatives they run at school and the impact this has had.

Although they didn’t win the national title, Lord Ahmad, who presented the award, told them that they were among the top six schools in the country for the promotion of safe and sustainable travel and they should be really proud of their achievements. Philip Darnton, Director of The Bicycle Association gave the closing speech and reminded the children that they were key in encouraging their families and communities to change behaviour in order to protect the planet they would inherit in the future.

Further information about the awards is here: